Comments : Give Me All Of You

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Aww, this was beautiful. haha. pooh bear, that's adorable hun. :] um, a really nice poem. how you just want this guy to tell you how he feels, i'm in the same position as you are and i can relate so much to this poem. i know those words that you can't explain, wow... i feel the exact same. this poem was everything i expected to hear, it was amazing. i hope that you get to hear what you want from your boyfriend and that he lays his heart out there. nice work. 5/5.

  • 16 years ago

    by kate

    This is a great poem, hopefully he will tell you how he feels about you, and hopefully its great feelings he has. because you seem like a pretty sweet girl and love your poems. hopefully he tells you soon so you don't get so confused with this., i know how it feelings and how it goes trust me.

    keep it up.
    keep on writing.
    love always and forever.

  • 16 years ago

    by BREEawNUHH

    Aw. This was a beautiful piece. You've done a wonderful job expressing how you feel for your boyfriend. I can also relate, as can most girls, haha, to this poem. I definitely think that if you were to show this piece to him, he'd see how you were feeling. Good job, & good luck with your boyfriend. =]



  • 16 years ago

    by Megann Lee

    I love this. I've been here before, you wrote this very well, I loved the emotion you put into it. Very nice write, I enjoyed reading it.

  • 16 years ago

    by Nawa

    Aww !! this is so cute. Wonderful job, I hope it turns out good with your boyfriend. Goodluck.

    This is my fav. part :
    "Just lay your heart in my hand,
    And give me all of you.
    Because I know you're holding back
    I know it... I just do."

    Great job again, keep it up.

  • 16 years ago

    by H E Losey

    Yes, it is "sweet" and it is cute to call him "pooh bear" but that isn't saying anything about the poetry of the write.
    Third, fourth and sixth stanza's rhymes were either not there or a stretch.
    Some of your lines got a bit wordy which threw off the metre/rhythm of the piece. Somwetimes we allow emotion to take over and then it messes with our ability to be poetic and to display emotion.
    As always an opinion.

  • 16 years ago

    by CourtneyyContageous

    Ahhh-mazing =]
    I felt your emotion through that whole entire poem. I loved how your standing up for yourself in this one, and saying what all of us this one point or another. There's honestly nothing wrong with this one I loved it=]


    r/r/c 'Broken And Waiting For Repair' please =]

  • 16 years ago

    by LiveMyLifeOnALullaby

    Wow, that was just beautifully written. "I know it, I just do"
    loved it! it had so much emotion. and the rhyming worked real well.
    very nice (:

  • This poem is good...I understand how you feel because I just got out of a relationship where I was asking the same questions. It flows really well and it's an easy read. YAY! Good work.

  • 16 years ago

    by Fsams

    I too hope that this poem wil turn out 2 b a gud sense of boost 4 ur bf coz it really reflects ur feelings. I found this piece quite touching.

  • 16 years ago

    by Fsams

    I too hope that this poem wil turn out 2 b a gud sense of boost 4 ur bf coz it really reflects ur feelings. I found this piece quite touching.

  • 16 years ago

    by Fsams

    I too hope that this poem wil turn out 2 b a gud sense of boost 4 ur bf coz it really reflects ur feelings. I found this piece quite touching.

  • 16 years ago

    by Blissful

    Uhm I remember you saying that you broke up with your bf...was this him? Well if it was and he didnt end up just playing games then you dont need a boy like that in your life. Take it as a lesson and gather the stregnth to find the guy that deserves your love. Well done *5/5*

  • 16 years ago

    by silent turbulence

    Its simply beautiful! i loved the flow and i jst hope ur boyfriend did realise what yu feel!! :)
    KEep it going gurl!

  • 16 years ago

    by InTheseHearts

    Okay, at first, I wasn't crazy about the poem. The first stanza didn't pull me in, but as I continued to read it got better. Your thoughts were honest and definitely easy to relate to.

    Because I know you're holding back
    I know it... I just do.

    That was well put. Sometimes we can't explain what we are thinking or how we know something but we just do. Good job!
    Your rhyme is good, as well.

  • 16 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This is a very cute love poem, yet it expresses
    a doubt and a need for reassurence

    well done

  • Again,I can relate.In the last comment I left you I told you how I had just split up with my boyfriend.Well,he calls every now && then telling me that he loves me && he misses me but,he just can't seem to decide if he wants me back or not...and it hurts.But 5/5 =]


  • 16 years ago

    by Ghost

    This really is a wonderful poem. It has so much emotions in it and you can really tell how much you love someone with it. Keep up the good work!


  • 16 years ago

    by Tiiffaanyy

    Heyy i love this pome it's really good

  • 15 years ago

    by Yeka

    Awww strong words about your teddy bear....Really beautiful