Your Enemy (Bloody Battles)

by KeyxMashingxParody   Jun 29, 2008

You feel it,
Sinking in.
Slowing your pulse,
The pain begins.

The aching sooths,
And scars reopen.
Bleeding once again,
You're done hoping.

Hoping for safety,
Hoping for life.
Tired of the pain,
Tired of the knife.

Use your heart,
Tell me your secrets.
Your darkest tales,
Your detailed creases.

You're a book,
Filled with hate and despair.
Detailed and complicated,
Down to every hair.

Pinpointing each mistake,
You've made now or then.
You punished yourself,
For every little sin.

You say you deserved it,
You say it's your fault.
The demons want your soul,
And it shall be bought.

You have a war to win,
With many battles to fight.
You have the upper hand my dear,
You have the second sight.

Your pain is this war,
Your mistakes outline each blow.
The guns fire as the swords pierce,
You've killed, and bloodied the snow.

The clouds gather,
The sun is gone.
The battle is over,
You've already won.

I spoke of this before,
Predicted your victory.
I've always been with you,
Your strength has always been me.

You never noticed,
How much my love heals.
I guess it's too late now,
For I can never again feel.
You ripped out my heart,
It was I that you killed...

sorry its long folks! :D


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