Last Dance

by Savannah Kate   Jun 30, 2008

Maybe you're in a lasting relationship
Maybe you're all alone
Don't give up on either
Don't let your heart turn stone

I belong to one
Hes everything to me
I wish I could show it all
For everyone to see

So they could write and take notes
Quit judging us for a while
Take some time to see our side
Quit making our love a denial

Its beautiful when its fake to them
In these movies, songs, and books
But when its real they deny it
To them loves just for looks

So stop filming, stop writing
Give us a chance
Quit staring and talking
And watch this last dance.


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  • 16 years ago

    by SADADDY

    You have expressed your heart felt feelings in this write so well...thank you for sharing your thoughts with us...may peace and joy fill your heart each and every day.


  • 16 years ago

    by stephen

    Very nice

  • 16 years ago

    by Brennan P


  • 16 years ago

    by Savannah Kate


  • 16 years ago

    by Brennan P

    Don't we all I meen I'm not one of those outuistic people but it is realy sad to see people with so much talent just let it waste away not by not being passionate about it I'm not saying that at all but it's because they hide it from the world and keep it to themselves that they waste it because you end up seeing things in a different light once you let people see who you are or what defines you when you do what you love doing

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