All Because My Mother Left

by WiltingWallFlower   Jul 1, 2008

I wanted your love
I'll admit i still do
I wanted you to care
It was too much to ask of you
I needed you to protect me
Like you should have
Unstead you looked in
And gave a quick laugh
I need you to hug me
And hold my hand
Instead you left
I just don't understand
Tell me what i did wrong
I promise to fix it
I'm begging you mommy
don't do this


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  • 15 years ago

    by Aveena

    This is very sad and touching. It shows your emotion. Every teenage gurl should have the chance to grow upu with their mother its the one person that would understand your problems the most. Sorry .

  • 16 years ago

    by Marie

    Aw =[ i know how you feel.. except its my dad thats an a## -_- gREAT WORK

  • 16 years ago

    by Kylie Jo

    Very touching. that like what my dad did.. your talented.

  • This is sad and so touching poem...I rlly liked it...
    Nice job...

  • 16 years ago

    by charles

    Short, yes~ but oh so powerful. Great write!

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