Love is when...

by Ashley   Jul 2, 2008

Love is when no words can express how you feel
love is when you think of them all the time
love is when you just want them to be happy
love is when you look at them and you can't help but smile
love is when you can't live without them
love is when you feel safe around them
love is when you can open up around them
love is when you can be yourself around them
that's how i know i love you
love is when every song on the radio makes you think of them
love is when you touch their hand and your stomach goes crazy
love is when they're the only one that can make your heart beat faster and slower at the same time
love is when they're the reason you get up in the morning
that's how i know i love you
loveis when all you want to do is hug them
that's how i know i love you.


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  • 15 years ago

    by natalie

    Yep i agree you basically summed love up great work x

  • 16 years ago

    by Blueleo

    That's love alright. Great read.