What am I suppose to do

by Phoenixgoddess   Jul 3, 2008

What am I suppose to do,
When you feel you have no will.
No will to live, to inspire,
You just want to be killed.

What am I suppose to do,
When you just want to stop.
Every emotion, every thought,
Just blank out your heart and thoughts.

What am I suppose to do,
When you have so many inner conflicts.
Love, sorrow, hate and fear,
And nothing can stop it.

What am I suppose to do,
When you feel so alone.
As if no one listens or understands,
All because you feel as if your problems can't be known.

What am I suppose to do,
When you feel nothing but pain.
Try being happy, try forgetting,
But the increasing pain remains.

What am I suppose to do,
When you feel as if your life is drawing to an end.
And you stress so much or die,
That you're unborn child's life never got to begin.. the end.



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