How can anyone say they have experienced life -
- if they have never experienced love?
If they have never lived the highs and lows or the gentleness -
- they have never really experienced life at all!
As a young boy growing through my years I dreamed -
- I dreamt of meeting a wonderful lady - someone to share my life
To my dismay my dream never became realised until you came
Orchid Lady, you are the very essence of my every desire.
And; the winter is really upon us now -
- nothing but gales, rain, snow and long, long nights of coldness
Yet inside this house there lives a special warmth encircled with love
Because of you my Orchid there is no room for the ills winter tries to haunt us with.
Outside many wavering trees try to hide from the vicious southerly blows
While inside there is a special feeling of complete happiness -
- Orchid Lady you have blessed this house and me with your goodness
I am sure the angels in Heaven above are smiling at you right now.
This is why I say, "You have to experience life and love" -
- the softness of your body brings unparalled feelings into my heart
I have never experienced a love than the love you unselfishly give me -
- I need you for always and when it is my turn to leave this earth -
I need you in the Eternity that shall guide me back to you.