To Lose You

by MissMeg   Jul 3, 2008

No happiness was felt.
No mercy was shone.
And now that I'm without you,
I feel so alone.

It's weird waking up each morning,
Knowing you are no longer mine.
And each night I go to bed,
Trying my hardest not to cry.

But I don't want to keep pretending,
No longer want to hide my tears.
Because lies and secrets
Are my deepest fears.

Why couldn't you open your eyes,
To what was right in front of you?
I guess those dark, thick eyelids,
Are what you tried to see through.

Didn't you see me?
Didn't you see "us"? just saw what you wanted,
And you broke all my trust.

O what I would give,
To look and see you there.
Because the pain of losing you,
Is more than I can bare.

To have it back the way it was,
I'd go through it all again.
Just so long as I got you in the end.

Believe me it's true.
Because nothing hurt as much,
As it did to lose you.

~Please comment me and let me know if it is any good or not, and i will return the favor. Thanks


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Latest Comments

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Such a great poem full of emotion.

    Love can be hard at times but it's better to have loved and lost than never loved at all, right?


  • 15 years ago

    by cataclysmicSoul

    Loved it; that was a great poem 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Sharr

    Over good! i actually cant believe that poem. fabulous. keep it up! 5/5 totally!

  • 16 years ago

    by ForsakenBeautyXx

    Wow. This was such a beautiful poem and you can feel the pain thats happening throughout it. I pray this hasnt happend to you...its happened to to many...and theres too many broken hearts. Its was amazing though. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by megan

    This poem was very well written and its what i am scared is going to happen with me and my fiance... but i really liked this poem! 5/5