Comments : Beethoven in the Background

  • 16 years ago

    by StandStill

    I spoke too soon.
    I loved it. You beat me to my fourth of July poem...bleh. So my next piece is gonna be a treasure hunt sounding kind of thing...O.o maybe. if i don't let my depression ruin it, which could definitely happen..

    anyway. sorry. rambling.

    The sky is bright with fireworks
    Happy fourth of July
    Beethoven in the background
    I'm in the backyard sipping wine

    ^^ This made me want i didn't know a poem could make me want something i can't have ((oh wait. yes i did))

    Poetry is in the air
    Dog's asleep at my feet
    The fireworks match the rhythm
    Of Beethoven's Fur Elise

    ^^ That's actually one of my favorite of Beethoven's pieces...Elise...((I think that's what I'm thinking of..gosh i'm out of it tonight.))

    For those of you who know me well
    This is how I am
    Humming to a symphony
    Wine glass in my hand

    ^^ Rofl. No, Jesse. I didn't know you drank illegally. XD

    For those of you who think
    Poetry is in a pen
    Poetry exists in many places
    Go there and back again

    ^^ Isn't that the truth? "Life is just poetry in motion". you have to live to write. maybe that's why i'm having writer's block...

    great piece, m'dear.