Don't forget me...

by Bittersweet Sundown   Jul 5, 2008

You can make me smile, one last time,
Before I fall apart.
I just want one chance to tell you what's true,
With what's left of my broken heart.
I don't want you to leave,
When I still have so much to say.
Promise you'll never forget me,
I promise I'll never forget you.
I can't help but cry as I write,
Because I know every word is true.
Never forget the smiles we've shared,
Please don't forget the memories we've made.
When you go, don't erase me,
Don't let the passions fade.
Never forget the times I've held you,
I'd do anything to hold you again.
I want you there until the very end,
Don't ever forget that I love you.
You will always be everything that shines,
I'll never forget the time I first looked at you,
And fell in love with your eyes...


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  • 15 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Awww... beautiful! This poem is filled with emotion that has been expressed very well and I think many people can relate to it. I personally always wonder about certain memories and if people forget them or remember them, and if they do remember them, are they happy or sad? I loved it. I especially loved the ending. It really gave it a nicer ending than I anticipated! Great job :)

  • 16 years ago

    by ToRn iiN2 PeIcEs

    Wow this poem i swear it left me breathless
    because it reminded me of alot of things..

    your a great writer and dont let others
    tell you other wise.

  • 16 years ago

    by charles

    Good write, seems to be heart-felt with each word. Hope all's not forgotten for a long time to come.

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