New Timing *~

by Keira   Jun 1, 2004

You've put me through so much and I cant express how I feel,
I'm going to high school next year How do you expect me to deal.
There'll be times when I'm down and need you there,
To help me through it all and tell me that you care.
I'm going to miss you so much when I leave,
The love that we have accomplished is something great achieved.
You have changed my life with everything you do,
Till the other night when I told you I loved you and you said it too.
Many times Ive felt alone but you have changed that all,
Now that you are in my life I know that you will catch me when I fall.
Now that I'm moving on I didn't want this to be the end,
I will tell you that no matter what I will always be a good friend.
When you shed your first tears,
And wonder where are your fears.
You know......That I will always be there for you,
To tell you that whatever you do is why I love you.
If you lied to me about many things that were not true,
You could tell me that you didn't love me and I would feel blue.
Please tell me everything that you think about when I'm around,
Be yourself and never change and thats profound.
You wrote me that poem about how I was your star,
Reading it I almost cried and thought......How did we get this far?
Its been so long since we first met,
You picked me up when Brennan made me upset.
I was feeling very lonely and like I needed to die,
Until the day when you told me that it was possible to tell Brennan goodbye.
I hate bringing up things about whats happened in the past,
but I dont care anymore because I know you will listen to me at last.
Now its three months later and something is wrong,
Ive tried asking you before but all of it came out in this song.
Emotions are flying and love is in the air,
Life without you in its place would never be fair.
But lately you've been acting down and like your all alone,
I'm trying to find the perfect time to talk to you in person instead of on the phone.
The more you hear from me in person the more you will know,
What I have done to you and how sorry I am when I cry will show.
Ive done so many things that I wish you could understand,
Telling you and seeing your reaction is going to be like falling in quicksand.
Ive done so many wrong things in my life and I wish I could take them back,
Throughout this whole school year I'm surprised I didn't make you have a heart attack.
I don't deserve you and you know that I am right on that one,
Maybe if I wasn't so pressuring you and me could've had a lot of fun.
I hope whatever has been bugging you goes away fast,
Then we could both forget about everything horrible that has ever happened in the past.

(This is to one of my ex boyfriends..Now which I honestly think was better off just being friends with me instead of going how far we did)..I now have a wonderful boyfriend named Josh who means everything too me and I realize that Im starting to realize what real love is


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  • 20 years ago

    by Keira sry u didnt like my poems and yeah some of my poems are back from 3 years ago like this poem, i have ones i havent even put on here because there so personal i just dont know what people would say then! yeah this one really has no meaning to it because it was a long time ago but im trying to put more on here that i have wrote recently they are all alot more meaningful.