Lying in bed all alone in the dark
Full of sadness a heart broken heart.
The only thing that she can hold in her arms that doesnt harm her,
Is her Teddy bear who will always be there at all the time
A teddy bear that will never hurt her feelings
As she lays there in the darkness at night
All she can do is cry and beg for death
A death that will let her be happy and doesnt harm her
A harm that will never reach for her broken heart
A feeling that will never be cured
Then standing and searching for a toxic poison
Poisons that will make her sleep forever
The cure to all unhappiness
Laying back she kisses her dear teddy bear
Kissing him for the very last time in her life
Saying Goodbye, I love you
Killing herself in a very slow death
Killing her as she lays quiet no more
No more tears and pain.
A death and a love for a teddy