Maybe if you lied a little
Drank too much
Maybe if you love a lot
Always longing for someone's touch
You might know what it's like
Maybe if you wrote so much
just for someone to hear
But they made the fact they didnt care
so plain and clear
You might know what it's like
Maybe if you cut a little
just to feel the pain
Maybe if you faded into the background
Maybe if you were plain
You might know what it's like
Maybe if you loved so much
and then you fell so hard
Maybe if you lived in a body
that was beat up and scarred
You might know what it's like
Maybe if you were screaming on the inside
wanting so bad for someone to hear
You wanted to be held so badly
but no one wanted to come near
You might know what it's like
Maybe if you moved from house to house
Maybe if you were young with no place to live
Maybe if you cried so much
you felt you had no more to give
Maybe you might know what it's like
To be me.....