Empty Arms

by Keira Akarie   Jul 10, 2008

"Hush, love, Hush"
whispered words to a babies ear
through mommies loving
smiling lips
She rocks her tender child
to silence.
"Sleep, love, Sleep"
assuring the baby that she's there
with her soft hands
the cooing baby falls asleep.
"Grow, love, Grow"
a gentle prayer only uttered
under her breath
as she watches she baby
morph into a beautiful child.
"Speak, love, Speak"
she urges as child
reaches out, calling her by a name
always longed to hear,
"Learn, love, Learn"
reassuring confidence as her
bundle of joy looks at the world
through inquisitive eyes
questioning everything,
everyone and every moment.
"Here, love, Here"
she points to her heart
saying, without many words
the most important lesson
child will ever need.
"Hush, love, Hush"
mommies calm voice says
only, there is no baby in her arms
All this time,
it was only her heart
And it's all she'll ever have
So she is going to treat it well....


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