When first I loved you I knew that you cherished my love and our friendship
But now you take my love for granted and no longer want to be friends
When first I loved you my laughter and happiness beamed from within
But now only tears and heart ache remain
When first I loved you we shared the same dreams and hopes for our future
But now my future is uncertain and I dream without you
When first I loved you I felt protected from the world and secure from my fears
But now the world lashes out at me and I am alone and scared
When first I loved you I was your world and you could not get enough of my love
But now time passes and you dont even notice my love is gone
When first I loved you our passion for each other was uncontrollable
But now we can barely share a kiss or touch one another
When first I loved you I could speak my hearts desires and you wanted to listen
But now my words are exhausted and lay on frustrated ears
When first I loved you I respected and admired the man you were
But now resentment and disappointment blind my eyes
When first I loved you I cherished your unconditional love and your tender touch
But now I long to be accepted and dont know how to earn your affection
When first I loved you I never thought you could or would ever hurt me
But now it seems you will not even try to heal the pain you have caused
When first I loved you I could depend on you for anything
But now I rely on myself for everything
When first I loved you I knew our love would last and we would grow old together
But now I know all good things must come to an end
But now is there any hope that we can go back to when first I loved you???