Comments : Sacrifice

  • 16 years ago

    by Sole

    English isn't your first language is it?
    The grammar was pretty bad to be honest.
    But, I really liked the feeling, so many people, especially young people, can relate to this poem which always makes a difference. I also liked the fact that the last two lines didn't rhyme, it gave some impact to the poetry.
    Nice work, Sole x

  • 16 years ago

    by ether

    They are my parentS.

    I'm their son with AN ugly past.

    You need to edit out the stuff in this, again.

    This is, again, a little simple, and a little confusing.
    "I already too much think for depart,"
    I already too much think about depart, perhaps?


  • 16 years ago

    by Austin

    Once again, you need to re-write. I'm not trying to make you feel bad, but their are so many grammatical mistakes and odd phrases that I could not read it without pausing. Fix those and you'll be doing well.

  • 16 years ago

    by xToBeWithYoux

    This poem is good, it has a good concept and rhyme scheme, but as I have said before it needs to have some grammar checked. Let me explain....:

    They blamed me for every fault,
    They used me as default.

    ^^ This is nice, mysterious as we don't know who 'they' are. This is short, but sweet, and the grammar and punctuation is good in this stanza :)

    I already too much think about depart,
    But, I know they are my important part.

    ^^ The first line has got slightly muddled bu the second line is okay. I think what you're trying to say is:

    [I already think too much about the departure.]

    But if you want it to rhyme still you could change it to this:

    [I thought about departure from the start.]

    Either one would work, but it does need changing otherwise it is quite confusing to the reader. Good concept though.

    They are my parent,
    And I'm their son with ugly past.

    ^^ I think this needs a slight rewrite:

    [They are my parents,
    And I'm their son with an ugly past].

    It has a good concept and it is good that we find out subtley that 'they' are in fact the parents. It has a nice feel of closure too, so it ends it well.

    I'm guessing that English isn't your first language, so this is good. It could have done with another stanza, explaining what that ugly past was, but it's okay at the length it is currently. Just make a few changes and it could get some higher votes, but for the moment it's 3/5.

    Keep writing,
    Em :)

  • 16 years ago

    by SilentSuicide

    Again, short. but i understood the messege behind it. nice words for the few you used. 4/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Empathy

    Very simplistic, and short. There is a message that can be grasped from it however. If your goal was to keep the poem short then I would say you've reached your goal, however if you feel you can make the message stand out in a different way than perhaps you can revise this poem in the future. Otherwise I would say it is all right.

    Nice work.

  • 16 years ago

    by Brittany C

    "They used me as default."

    I think that this line would sound better if you were to add their to it like this

    "They used me as their default"

    Or something along those lines.

    "They are my parent,"

    should be

    "They are my parents,"

    I think that this poem would have been better if it was longer. I think that it is a little to short to really get the the readers into it.

    I liked the wording that you used through out the poem. I also liked the rhyming it really helped with the flow. The flow was strong through out the poem.

    I give this poem a 5/5 because I liked it and because there were no major mistakes.

    Keep up the great work =)

  • 16 years ago

    by Brittany C

    "I thought about departure from the start.
    But, I know they are my important part."

    This was my favorite stanza because it is the one that I could relate to the most.

    Being blamed for your faults isn't fair to you on their part. Parents are not suppose to be like that to their kids. It can be damaging for the kid(s).
    This is a sad poem.

    Like I said before keep up the great work.

  • 16 years ago

    by Cyber Saiyan

    "They blamed me for every fault,
    They used me as default."

    ** I am not a big fan of using the same end-word to force a rhyme. Like rhyming ONE to SOMEONE or BODY to SOMEBODY or PART and DEPART; it shows a lack of comittment from the author. I like the word FAULT, as most would use a weaker word like PROBLEM. Using the past tense of BLAME may confuse some readers too. Using BLAMED makes it seem like you no longer speak to them (unless you meant it this way). Maybe use BLAME; that shows that they still blame you, even today.

    "I thought about departure from the start.
    But, I know they are my important part."

    ** I understand what you are trying to say here, but it is very broken. I would suggest rewriting this like so it flows better. I enjoy the word DEPARTURE; again, most would have used a weaker or more common word like DEATH or ENDING IT. I think the word START is what I get hung up on. The start of what? Your life, Their lives, your troubles? This is pretty bland.

    "They are my parent,
    And I'm their son with an ugly past."

    ** I know it was already said, but you need to switch PARENTS for PARENT (using the plural form). I like the word UGLY; as again, it shows power. Its stronger than something like TROUBLED or BAD and leads me to beleive that you past really was ugly; fighting, stealing, getting arrested, etc. It allows the reader to imply their own sense of the word. I would suggest removing the word AND though, it really is not needed.

    Overall, I love the use of short poems and forceful words. As you read through other peoples work, I know you will improve your skills. These poems (Princess and this one) are a really good start; keep it up and dont take any comments personally; we are all here to help each other out.

  • 16 years ago

    by forevertobeart

    Again, this is short. Maybe short writing is your thing, but don't be affraid to elaborate on what's happening. Go deeper into why 'they' blame this character for every fault, or perhaps even what kind of departure this character had in mind before deciding that family is important and staying. I do like the very last line and think it's good you did not go into detail about this ugly past. It makes the character mysterious, which I suppose is what you were going for by being so concise.

  • 16 years ago

    by Cotton Candy Clouds

    They blamed me for every fault,
    They used me as default.
    ^^ so many people will be able to relate!!!

    I thought about departure from the start.
    But, I know they are my important part.
    ^^why are they your important part?

    They are my parent,
    And I'm their son with an ugly past.
    ^^aww...such a sad ending...

    You have a way with getting your point across that is very unique! 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Jad

    This poem had a good rhyme until the last stanza unless it was supposed to be that way. The flow was good as well. I liked this poem to tell the truth. Good job.

  • 15 years ago

    by Mr Rhee

    Yes, you made some errors in your grammer. Understood, and not a problem. Maybe running a spell check? Still, a very poem. I liked your idea behind this. Your feelings of anger and confussion came through rather well. Keep it up!

  • 15 years ago

    by SolemnWish

    I did actually like it but iagree
    You should do a spell check
    Your ideas are very nice
    I think you should just build on them more

  • 15 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    I don't think it matters to a parent what you are or have become or done in your past. They will always love you regardless. Nice work 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    You have a talent for getting a lot of deep mystery in a few lines as this poem reflects

  • 15 years ago

    by Hollymariee

    I think you could find a better rhyme for fault other than default , otherwise it has an okay flow and the other rhymes are great . I like the last line , it seems to end it very powerfully . 4/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    This was okay. The rhyme was simple and flowed well. Keep working at it. Nik

  • 15 years ago

    by KJ

    This was sort of hard for me to understand. I really didnt get the message that you were trying to put out. But the flow was okay. But to be honest, I think that this one needs a lot of work. But keep writing. You are very talented.

  • 14 years ago

    by MERCY is never shown

    It was good and no i dont know if english is your first language or not and i dont care i liked the choppy flow in the words it sort of emphasized the feeling and i am well acquainted with this feeling so i like it but not only cuz i can relate but it was really good!!