A terrible accident behold a man,
Wasn't all that not healthy,
Was he glad,
He watched comedies and cartoons daily,
He looked at the funny section of the papers frequently,
He took funny books and encrypted it in his head,
He watched all the funny movies,
And boy was he jolly to dead,
After a great fest at his house,
Watching many funny movies,
He decided to start eardrop on the neighbors,
He heard so many funny thinks,
That he laughed at a really croaked lady,
She be miserable,
She be having a bad day,
Her husband forgot to call her and come at their anniversary,
And she got stuck in a tree,
And dog napped (people still trying to figure out),
And her favorite dinner got burned,
And this man laughing at her,
So she said,
Wish you would shut up,
You corrupt vermin,
Get stuck or something,
As she said that,
The sky way like looking down,
Cause this man to to,
stick and stuck,
Laughing became none,
And smiling never seemed to broke,
He stuck because he laughed too much,
Giving a thousand smiles a day,
What good, right?
Tell it to the man with the sad story,
Tell it to him who curse,
Ever smiling,
So don't laugh too much,
just smile,
Better not laugh at this,
might just get cursed,
He he,