Comments : They keep fighting

  • 16 years ago

    by XxCutSoDeepxX

    Willow this is a really emotional poem...i no how u feel bout parents fighting...well has u no mine arnt together no more and im still falling apart but just stay strong not for anyone else but yourself...coz u r important to alot of pple...well the good thing u had a friend to hold you when u cryed...stay strong and always remember alot of pple love you to death and we will always be here if you need always Tami oxo

  • 14 years ago

    by mandy

    I can relate completely. Never give up, you're doing a wonderful thing for your brothers. I'm sorry that you have to live like this, no one deserves this. Never hide from your friends, everyone needs a shoulder to cry on.

    Keep on writing, this was a beautiful piece. I recently wrote a poem called "Stay Strong". Maybe you'll want to check it out, it might help.

    mandy :) 5/5