How You Make Me Feel...

by Hannah   Jul 13, 2008

We go through life taking advantage of the word 'love', we throw it around as if it's just another word in the our language. But once in a while, someone will come along and you'll find the true meaning of love, the true feelings of love within them.
They will steal your heart, every minute of everyday they will be on your mind, everything you say or do will relate back to them They are always with you in mind and in heart.
When your away from them, you long for them to return to your arms, When you close your eyes, you will see them, When your awake, you still dream of them, what ever you do, you think of them.

Find the one who lifts you higher than you could imagine and you try to do the same back.
Always be there for them when they need someone most, always. Through winter, spring, summer, autumn, rain, sun or snow, always be there for them when they need a friend, a shoulder to cry on.
Find the one who when your in their arms makes your world melt away, every worry, every fear, every bad thought... just goes...
Who send shivers down your spine when they gently place their soft hands on your skin.
Find the one who makes you happy, smile, laugh, feel special, feel like your flying, like your on top of the world and no one or nothing can hurt you.

Find the one who can look straight into your eyes and can honestly tell you that they love you and want to spend their live with you...
Find your one and hold on to them forever. Because you will never find another


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