If there was no tomorrow, I would want to spend this day with you
I would want to be beside you and pray we would meet again -
- Orchid Lady, I would hold you close to me and feel your love
I would tell you how wonderful my life has been with you at my side.
Sweetheart, with you there have been no bad times in my life -
- only low times during your days of sickness or when I worried about you
Whenever I needed inspiration you have always been there for me
Should I have asked for a shoulder to cry on, you have given me that shoulder.
I know how worried you would be for your friends the forest animals -
- how you would worry about the flowers and trees that have occupied your love
You would also be thinking if Mother Nature would somehow hold onto you -
- for you both have become the greatest of friends and you need each other.
Sweetheart, I would also wish for the wonders of this world to remain intact
But, you would be my first priority and I would never wish to lose my Orchid
All I want to do is wake up in the morning and see you lying safely by my side
Then I could lean over to you and hold your lovely body close to my heart.
Even the mere thought of the emptiness of no tomorrows brings a frown to my face
Orchid Lady, please hold me and let us fall asleep with deep love and affection -
- perhaps I am just having a nightmare tonight for I am searching for you
Even in sleep I realise how important you are in my life and I need my lovely flower.
So, no more talk of there being no tomorrows because I need you so much
I am going to try to wake up, look at you lying beside me, then go back to sleep
Thank Heaven you will be with me in the morning to bring me peace and comfort
A tomorrow without you is something I never wish to ever happen to us.