Comments : Rocking Chairs, Rain, And Tears.

  • 16 years ago

    by Blissful

    Once I saw the title I was eager to read plus I havent read anything new from you in a while.

    1st Stanza.
    I loved how you opened this poem. You just created this sence that captivated me from you first line. I do think you used tears twice in this stanza which kinda thew off the flow for me just a little but not enough to notice and maybe I'm just being picky. I loved how you ended it with a question because it had me wondering what was going to happen...

    2nd Stanza.
    Oh boy do I adore your last line in this stanza. You worded this emotion so beautifully and I felt as if I had an emotional boulder on my back. I can relate with the lookin in the past and remembering the memories, his eyes...his smile. Yup you touched my heart with this stanza because I was recently in the same postion.

    3rd Stanza.
    I loved the scene you created with the rain falling from the sky blending with your tears. That was beautiful. You took something many overuse in poetry and made it your own with a creative spin and I loved it. I do think the ending can be stronger because I know what youre capable of writing and your potential. But overall it was just great.

    Love this piece hun and can't wait for new ones by you. :]

  • 16 years ago

    by BornAgainWriter

    I can tell you came out of a writers block. ALL THIS PENT UP EMOTIONS AND JUST...everything. it was reall great amber. I enjoyed reading this. As i am becoming addicted to reading your

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    This piece was another wonderful write. However, I don't know if you pay attention to grammar much or not.. you definatly use a lot of semi colons and then the next word after it is captiolized.. if you are doing two sentences and obviously combining them using the semicolon the word after the semicolon should not be capitolized. Other than that, this was an amazing write. The emotions you put out there for us to see are absolutely clear. Wooow. Keep up the awesome work. 5/5.