A Prayer To God

by Poet on the Piano   Jul 17, 2008

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please guide me in my life, and help me get past the struggles, hardships, problems, and wars that will be brought upon me.

Every single day, every living moment, is a sign of your everlasting love for me. I need your comforting arms to reach out to me in the time of darkness.

I long for your sanctifying grace to wash over me all the days that I live. For without your never ending kindness and love, where would we be in this world today?

You are what makes the sun rise, and fall in the late evening. You are the almighty creator of all the earth, the one true God that I believe in.

As my knees slowly fall down to you, I pray from deep inside my soul. Thanking you for the air I breathe, and for the precious gift of life that you graciously gave me.



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  • 16 years ago

    by Cotton Candy Clouds

    Please guide me in my life, and help me get past the struggles, hardships, problems, and wars that will be brought upon me.
    -- everyone wishes for this so many people will be able to relate right off the bat

    Every single day, every living moment, is a sign of your everlasting love for me. I need your comforting arms to reach out to me in the time of darkness.
    ---gives a sense of perminance that you know there is always someone there to help you

    I long for your sanctifying grace to wash over me all the days that I live. For without your never ending kindness and love, where would we be in this world today?
    --this made me thinkk about the people i wouldn't be here with out i liked this verse

    You are what makes the sun rise, and fall in the late evening. You are the almighty creator of all the earth, the one true God that I believe in.
    ---not many people right about God and i like that you chose a topic that i dont come across often made this unique

    As my knees slowly fall down to you, I pray from deep inside my soul. Thanking you for the air I breathe, and for the precious gift of life that you graciously gave me.
    ---aw i loved the ending great job!
    5/5 <33

  • 16 years ago

    by Sarah

    Beautiful! You completely summed up what I believe and feel about God. You're an excellent writer.

    And thank you for your support on my poem.

  • 16 years ago

    by Megan

    5/5 wow
    i such a great poem/prayer.
    great job!

  • 16 years ago

    by BREEawNUHH

    Wow. This piece is.. very strong. I loved it. Though my beliefs are different from the ones you show in the poem, I liked it because it was really heartfelt, and it seemed like you really needed help from the one person who can give you the help you need. 5/5


  • 16 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    Very excellent... i believe GOD loves us and he will neve leave us intimes of our troublesome... 5/5