Will you miss me when I'm gone?
Will it really matter?
Will you think of my favorite things?
Would you actually know what they are?
Would you miss my voice?
Do you even know how my voice sounds at all times?
Would you miss my routines?
Do you even know of them?
Would you miss my friends?
Do you even know them?
Would you miss my Bible Studies?
Would you even understand my questions or thoughts of them?
Do you know me at all?
Will you miss me at all?
Will you miss me?
(This is about my mother. I care about her and if I didn't love her I wouldn't be still with my family as a whole. so, I just know that it might have been too late for her to make up for what she didn't do. Yes, she's still alive. My little sister is going to be the one to take care of her when she grows old. God bless)