Somewhere An Insomniac Cries In The Darkness

by ABake   Jul 20, 2008

Somewhere tonight, a lonely girl will lay awake; the only thing she hears is her own breathing and the crickets chirping outside her window. She cries in the darkness and wishes time would pass by; But it doesn't...Tick tick... She tosses and turns over the next hour... Checks her phone; It's 2:43 in the morning.

She is a disappointment, and there is not one person who will let her forget that. She is weak and wonders where she went wrong; Her mind wonders for hours and hours becoming exhausted but her body will not let her sleep. She checks her phone again; it is now 3:51 in the morning. She sighs into the night and begins to cry a little harder...

She wishes there was somebody; anybody who would care. But she knows wishes never come true; No matter how pretty or popular you are, it just doesn't matter. Nothing will change the way things are. I am beginning to break and I don't mean my heart [But don't worry, that is already split into a million pieces] it is now 4:49 in the morning...

[Hint hint; The story is about my insomnia. But it mixes in the other feelings that come with depression...]


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  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    I honestly loved this poem a lot. You put the reader like in the eyes of an insomniac. For me, never being one and not knowing what goes on in an insomniac's life.. I wouldn't know how it feels. However, this poem really truely described it very well. You did a excellent job describing how hard it is for them to go to sleep and how they are constantly looking at the time that just passes so slowly. I love how you added the touch of the depression and feelings that you have and mixed them into the whole insomniac thing, that was really unique and definatly showed true emotions. This piece was fabulous. I enjoy your work, and I'm going to read and comment more of it. I love your format too, it's written in paragraphs but honestly it's really easy to read. :] 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Savannah Kate

    Great poem!! i loved it! and BELIEVE ME, i know how u feel..

  • 16 years ago

    by ForeverASickKid

    This is amazing!

  • 16 years ago

    by BornAgainWriter

    I would've never guessed you had insomnia.
    [stares blankly at the ceiling]
    Depression? You seem like a really fun, cool person. So far. Lol

    Okay okay, enough about that. And...the personal note.

    You are a true POET! My goodness. I was blown away by this poem. This exquisite piece of art. It was just, ART ART ART!

    Master piece.

    Word structure was marvelous!

    I like the opening, the beginning to this poem. It was so strong.

    I like how the flow was throughout the poem.


    I really really...[screw it] THIS HAS BECAME MY FAVORITE POEM.