Daughter to mother

by Mary   Jul 20, 2008

I visited you today
Hadn't been there in a while
I walked slowly
To where you were sleeping
The distance felt like a mile
I knelt down on your bed
And all i did is whisper two words
I said Happy Birthday
While a diamond fell on to the floor

The wind blew hard
And it was starting to get cold
I wished that wind would bring me
Closer to you
Because i yearn to see your beautiful face
Once more
Just the sound of your voice
Would bring me a sudden comfort
A comfort that only a mother
Can give to her child

A lump builds up in my throat
I cant talk
I cant breath
Than i walk away
I know this is reality
Its not just a dream

And as those lovely roses
Now rest on your grave
Behind me
I just want you to know
I love you
And my memory of you
Will never fade.

plz comment/ rate
good or bad it doesnt matter just tell me the truth:)


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  • 15 years ago

    by I love you always and today

    That poem is really amazing work and im glad your using your talent and sharing. you have a unique way of writing and I love this poem. It really did touch me and you have a real good way with words you have my vote....keep up the good work!

  • 16 years ago

    by Waiting4mywings2heal

    This was good i like it alot 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by xLeftxBehindx

    This is a very emotional piece of work it has a lot of sadness and pain in every word. The ending was the most astonishing part of the poetry and it made the whole thing mean even more

    great work
    ,awesome poem!

  • 16 years ago

    by Andrew

    This poem is really great, its a sad piece thats written brilliantly. I liked it and well i hope her memories stay forever. Brilliant piece.

  • 16 years ago

    by Amber

    Awww wow so sad :[
    Good tho