When a young girl cries...

by La Vie Boheme   Jul 21, 2008

When a young girl cries, who should take the blame?
When she feels her world is out of control, and she is going insane.
Nothing ever goes right.
She is losing her life.
Friends turn and walk away.
They think it is just a game, and they don't want to play.
She struggles to stay alive wanting nothing more than to end it all.
She thinks about suicide but, stalls.
No longer is she going to wait.
She doesn't want this anymore, it's over, she quits.
Shut up all, you don't care.
Where were you when she needed you there?
It's not going to work out.
As the blood runs down her arm, she laughs at those who had their doubts.
Goodbye cruel world.
No longer will you puch around this young girl.


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  • 16 years ago

    by you will never forget me

    Wow..written amazingly well..i love it.

  • 16 years ago

    by Mary

    Great poem... i can so totally relate to it like almost all of it.... Keep it up :)