Someone Said Letting Go Was Easy

by ABake   Jul 22, 2008

Actual Title: Someone Said Letting Go Way Easy [[They Couldn't Have Been More Wrong]]

I have become infatuated with taking a journey; I'm not sure how to tell you this sweetheart, but I think it's time I face life on my own... The tears are coming, oh it's about to storm-- I want so bad to run into your arms and disappear into the pattern of your breathing; I want to become consumed by the smell of your cologne.

We always planned of starting our own life, far away from here. Starting over, with just each other; I wish that was still possible-- It's been so long since I have smiled and it not fade within a few hours... We have found ourselves in this continuous pattern and baby my heart is about to give.

Your grip on my hand becomes tighter as mine slowly begins to loosen; I can hear your heart racing faster with every word I say-- I know this isn't what we planned, please don't think I don't love you. Some may think that it's easier to let go, but honey to be honest with you this is the hardest thing I have ever done...


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  • 16 years ago

    by SilentSuicide

    Very thrilling. i really enjoyed reading this. your description was very clear and understandable. a very nice piece of love. and poetry about love can be very hard to express with good words. but you deffinetly nailed that. your word choice was beautiful.

    "I want so bad to run into your arms and disappear into the pattern of your breathing; I want to become consumed by the smell of your cologne."

    for some reason i appsolutly adored this line over the rest. perhaps it was just very catchy considaring not many people include things such as colone.


  • 16 years ago

    by Normal is the Watchword

    For some reason, I thought it was decent, it was your usual typical teenage girl narrating, and what I mean by that is deep emotions that it seems are pin pointed toward a guy who probably wouldn't understand it as much, just because a lot of guys tend to not want to think as girls do :)

    Seriously, it was pretty decent, but it was filled with too much baby and honey and stuff. When I read something with those words in it, it just forgets the emotion in the piece, at least to me. It's a stumbling word, and once I see it, I just forget the track I am on or the person narrating.

    "Some may think that it's easier to let go, but honey to be honest with you " This would sound much better if you took out any words that made it seem specific to a love mucked poem.

    "Some may think that it's easier to let go. To be honest with you etc" This might run a bit smoother and shorter sentences tend to show what really is important in something not poetry related.

    "The tears are coming, oh it's about to storm--" The same thing with this part. What about just simply:

    "The tears are coming. It's about to storm--" By taking out the word Oh, it doesn't sound like you are trying to be poetic, you're just being emotional and the pause this creates before the storm part, lets the emotions sink in better.

    " it not fade within a few hours" This part, I don't know, keeps sticking out to me. Do you mean the smile fades after that long now because you are sad? If that is it then minutes or seconds might sound better than hours.

    Hope you think of these suggestions for your next piece.

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    First off, I loved your title. I have been trying to let go of someone for so long, and I haven't been able to. You are so right, letting go is soo hard.

    "The tears are coming, oh it's about to storm-- "
    ``I loved this! It's like you are crying almost too much that it's almost like a storm, worded perfectly and uniquely. :]

    "We always planned of starting our own life, far far away from here."
    `I know you meant to say far far away.. to make it seem like a very far distance, but maybe just do one far.. It's kind of useless to put another far in there.. because the readers will understand with just one..Just an opinion.

    "Some may think that it's easier to let go, but honey to be honest with you this is the hardest thing I have ever done... "
    `Aww. :[ This sucks. I know the feeling about trying to let go of someone, but you just can't. It's the hardest thing to do.. ever. I know how you feel.

    Overall, a wonderful write. You definatly showed that you just can't let go, and it's such a difficult task for you to do. Umm, the format of this poem was unique, I usually don't like reading poems that are set up with paragraphs.. but I love how you did it and the content of the poem kept me wanting to read because I knew I could relate in my own way to the poem.. and it was easier to read because I've felt the same way recently.. it's always easier to read a poem if you have a connection with it, and I think not only me.. but many others could relate to this one. Well done. 5/5.

  • Why are you letting go........?

  • 16 years ago

    by The Queen

    A rather freestyle piece written so expressively. The emotion you were tryin to portray was so vividly emphasized.i liked the theme of this piece reminded me of a song i love you, goodbye. A very sad poem yet as i said nicely written..You did a fantastic job here.