Comments : You are right im not over you

  • 16 years ago

    by jescelle

    Im a firm believer that once a heart opens up to true love (even if its just you who feels it and not ur partner), then there is always gonna be a part of your heart that loves them. and forgetting them is impossible. its all about learning to love urself again afterwards and striving for better next time around. you'll never forget him/her, cuz theyve sculped a part of you in the time they were there. but if u use what they gave u before (that feeling of love, like u'll walk in a blizzard for a kiss) and build on it, you'll come torealize that they were there for a purpose at that time, in that moment, and that the tears are all lessons from the lord. 5/5 on ur poem, keep writing, ur super talented!