Comments : A Call

  • 16 years ago

    by Goodbye

    This is a powerful poem. I like it a lot. Yes, life is a struggle... This poem for struggling...

    "As we have only one life; then there is nothing else."

    Actually I think like this too...We have one life.. People say after heart stops beating that person is dead. But the person is not dead. It is not the end of anything... It is just one state of life...

    After that is too late to regret what he done...

  • 16 years ago

    by KN

    Great poem. There's so much expression and power, and it has a nice flow of words. I love it 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    "As we have only one life; then there is nothing else. "

    So very true... the message behind the poem is wonderful... very inspiring... very motivating...

    "So come out together from the dreadful womb
    Stop living like dead in the house like tomb"

    ^^ya truly we have become to dead... devoid of affection... deaf to other's cries... dumb to raise our voices... so truly depicted...

    "Come out blood rinsed to change your fate.

    Your blood will talk for you, afloat them all
    Sometimes blood is needed, for revolution's call"

    ^^wonderful write...
    but i felt that "blood" was used a little too much.. maybe u could have substituted something else... or used a metaphor... but thats just a suggestion...

    wonderfully written..
    keep writing...

  • 16 years ago

    by gracey grey

    OMG Sourav! Another hat trick here! Another magical poem filled with so much depth. Very strong emotions and words are straight from the heart (can feel it). And yes, this write speaks to me in volumes. Flattery aside, you managed to write somethings here that I am so proud of. Excellent poem!!

  • 16 years ago

    by DreamingOutLoud

    An individual can have an impact
    an individual's voice can do wonders and change what almost seems impossible - the world.
    nicely written.

  • 16 years ago

    by Grant Gilbert AKA Slash

    Excellent poem Souray it was emotional without being overbearing , it carried an important message which you did a first class job getting across.
    The poem flowed well , rhymed well and above all targeted a sensitive subject, well done


  • 13 years ago

    by Mr Rhee

    Yesss! Such strong writing. Powerful, vengeful to the last line. Some lessons in a few of these lines to be learned by all.
    You show strength, and adversity. Well done.

  • 13 years ago

    by Jon914

    This was an alright poem, what really held it back was the improper use of english in some sections of them poem.