Love Isn't Imaginary

by The Queen   Jul 24, 2008

Love Isn't Imaginary

Love letters may fade away in time
Yet every thought i've ever penned
Are echoes from my admiring heart
Vividly, your images comes into sight

Love isn't imaginary
I feel it from the touch of your hand
I see it from the look in your eyes
I hear it from the beat of your heart

Our love song may never be found out
It's the only rhythm learned by our hearts
For whenever a day spent with you
Together as one, song of love to hum

Love isn't imaginary
For even in my sleep I experience love
In the depth of my dreams you never leave
Fighting the distance not to play a part

Goodnight kisses and sweet dreams hugs
Let go of emotions, set them free to intervene
No matter what kind of world were in at this time
Even if it's just a game, I don't mind

Hold me by your hand with your gentle fingers
From my cheeks down to my sweet lips
Kiss me like you never kissed anyone before
Love isn't imaginary, love is you and me


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  • 14 years ago

    by Switchblade89

    Awww that was beautiful lol i loved it

  • 15 years ago

    by Sora

    A beautiful write indeed! a very expressive piece. i really liked this! and i like the title, always good to have an eye catching title.

    Love letters may fade away in time
    Yet every thought i've ever penned
    Are echoes from my admiring heart
    Vividly, your images comes into sight

    this stanza was creative and touching, and especially since it was the first one it made me want to keep going. that's a lovely thing to write something that makes the reader want to keep going. i've read several of your poems, you have a wonderful talent. excellent job. 5/5


  • 15 years ago

    by Steady Stereotype

    Most love poem end up cliche, just another kind of fuzzled up imitation of the others. Yet you were able to take the idea of love, think about it adding your own personal flare.

    "Kiss me like you never kissed anyone before
    Love isn't imaginary, love is you and me "

    ^This stanza jumped out at me. The ending was wonderfully written, wrapped up this poem wonderfully. I love how you used the common saying people are saying, Love is imaginery. It doesn't exist. You used it, changed it for a wonderful ending. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Beautiful Forever

    This poem is amazing... the feelings that were put into it shine beautifully throughout the whole poem. Not to mention the way you wrote it so poetically swept me off my feet.

    "Fighting the distance not to play a part"
    ^^ This line meant the most to me. Because it shows an angle very rarely used and it's worded beautifully.

    I'm astonished by this poem. It really makes me wish I was the one who wrote it because I felt every line and this is definitely my style.

    Beautiful write, keep it up! 5/5 for sure...

  • 16 years ago

    by Sora

    Wow this poem really blew me away, it was great. very deep so pure and heartfelt. you are truly wonderful at expressing your emotions. you have a great talent.

    Love letters may fade away in time
    Yet every thought i've ever penned
    Are echoes from my admiring heart
    Vividly, your images comes into sight

    that stanza was a perfect opening, i loved it. especially the 3rd line, very creative. keep writing, i love your work. 5/5.
