The most amazing family

by Liz   Jul 24, 2008

The Most Amazing Family
I met the most amazing family
That day I never knew
What meeting them would do
They always let me in
Sharing all they've got
Helping me to stay better than o.k.
It's how God showed me the way
The way love is, and the way to laugh
No matter what, he can always say something
2 make my day, helping tears go away
Make me laugh & make me smile
Not only for a while
She let me borrow clothes & even show
Showing a touch of loves great power
Like a mother like a brother
They are so dear to me
From little stars & driving cars
To skiing,Christmas,movies&pizza,pants&shoes
Love spread itself thru out their moves
The most Amazing family
Is going to move away
I'm not sure what to say
I could tell them I'm gonna keep criing bc I'll miss 'em
I could tell them I would do anything
For them to stay,not get in their car&drive far far away
I could tell them no one else has EVER cared about me
In this way
But all I think I will say
Is in this poem I will give away
To the most amazing family


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