by Alissa aka CR4LYFE   Jul 25, 2008

I miss u every day
i cant bear to see ur pictures
to smell ur home without u there
to talk about u and realize ur not here

i couldnt believe the news
u gone just like the morning dew
i fell to the floor in pain
it felt like my heart had been slain

ur kind touch
ur even kinder words
the way u could make me smile
ur weird funny style

it took me forever to see the truth
u were taken in the middle of my youth
so harsh so unreal
it felt as my heart had truned to steel

the hardest part of losing u?
the most painful thought of all?
that i wasnt sure u knew my love was true
because i couldnt think of the last words i said to u.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Crossover

    This sounds sad. if i didn't know what it feels like to lose someone you would convey this feeling perfectly. and the part which touched me the most was the last part-you not remembering the last thing you said must be eating you alive. good job. good reading thanx

  • 16 years ago

    by P00ki3B3ar

    Very nice i like it alot good job! 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by IN LOVE

    Hey this is really good. i know how you feel and i know its hard. i lost my daddy at the age of 12 and it wasn't easy. if you want to talk just private message me.