You forgot. . . and i dont know why.

by paths of peace   Jul 26, 2008

You walked away,
you forgot,
you didn't care,
that i needed you that day
but honestly, you didn't seem fair.

you guessed,
you lied,
you played a game,
and i don't know why.

i needed you
i opened up to you
i noticed you
and it was something i still intend to do
I Love You

we went wrong
we slipped away
we weren't strong
and i don't know why. . .


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  • 15 years ago

    by Rhinehalt

    Heartbreaking beauty of a poem. Has a person you loved with all your might break with you? Cause the feel of this work seems so much stronger than words to me.

  • Bravoooo
    i luv the repeation of "i dont know why"
    seriously it shows how helpless we becum wen it comes 2 breakin up
    keep it up
    tht was a gr8 poem:)

  • 16 years ago

    by NicoleBaby101

    Wow that was a great poem i loved it! it showed true emotion. 5/5