Seeing the Sunrise

by Levi   Jul 26, 2008

With this broken glass;
I am happy to say the least.
Though the direct result wasn't perfection,
It soon developed into something more.
I've tasted forever on you lips,
And I've seen eternity in your eyes...
How can I say that I love you;
When it's so much more than just three words?

You've given me a hope I thought I'd lost;
A chance I didn't think I would get again,
And a reality that is better than my dreams.
To say that I merely just love you,
Would be an understatement or lie in the same.
This sunrise is more beautiful than any before,
I can finally see the World for what it really is..
No matter how disgusting this place gets,
I'll still always have you to brighten up my days.

Forever might be along time;
And an eternity might be insanity,
But I'm willing to loose my mind;
If it means you'll steal my heart...

*This is a continuation from the Poem "Between Sunset and Sunrise"


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  • 15 years ago

    by Spirit

    I like the poem's first parts but it's ending lost me. I've noticed that when a person starts a poem out strong, it becomes hard to develop the poem and make it stronger. I injoyed this poem but it didn't strike me as one that I would remember. However I do want to get you props. On that strong begining.

    Thank you for the read

  • 15 years ago

    by Mezmeryz

    ^^These lines are so perfect, i love them.
    Your writing is so heartfelt and deep, like your thoughts and emotions just spilled over =]
    Very very well done.
    Don't stop writing.
    (btw, i had to write this separately, because the stupid browser decided to refresh on its own or something... =])

    MEZi x

  • 15 years ago

    by Mezmeryz

    Wow! i was actually right! =] so the sunrise is a reunion with your loved one! i love your use of vocabulary/language, its awesome, how you penned your thoughts into a flow of words, quite like a song.
    My favourite stanza:

    Forever might be along time;
    And an eternity might be insanity,
    But I'm willing to loose my mind;
    If it means you'll steal my heart...

  • 16 years ago

    by HearMe

    Wow...this is a very strong poem
    really beautiful, your love for her shines through! wonderfully penned
    i think im gonna have to check out more stuff from you :)
    keep writing!