Sometimes I don't understand why things aren't always what they seem to be
For instance, why is the hot sun shining, yet the wind is blowing with its coldness?
Why doesn't the sun smile at its cousin the wind, and then replace its anger with new warmth?
Yet deep down inside me I know there is a reason why Nature makes elements happen.
Logic tells me that if there were no sunshine my Orchid Lady would never bloom -
- sweetheart, your beauty would never be there to bring happiness to my eyes
If cool winds never blew, you would simply become too hot and wither from the heat
Blow cold winds blow and keep my orchid strong so my every day is filled with joy.
With a start I wake up and realise I had just been asleep and deep within a dream of you
Quickly I turn to you and realise you are not simply a flower; you are indeed my very life
Gently my hand touches your sleeping body and a sense of love and contentment fills my heart
Carefully I pull the blankets over you and smile at the beauty my eyes behold - you are so real!
It is so amazing how dreams can change our thoughts and for an amount of time; hide us from reality
Orchid Lady, I am so glad you are not simply a flower that depends on sunlight for a short period of life
As I gaze at you again a tear dances down my face in acknowledgement of your living realness -
- you are lying beside me and have replaced that picture of a flower I had been dreaming about.
Sleepily I lay my head snugly on my pillow and reflect on the joy you have brought into my life
Even in your sleep I can sense why the angels guard you through each long night -
- I can also understand why the forest animals come out of their hiding places to greet you each day
You were meant to be the person you are and our lives were meant to live again after years of loneliness.
With a contented sigh my eyelids close and I return to my dreams of you.