
by olivia   Jul 28, 2008

Nobody understands what its like to be me
i just want somebody to step in my shoes for a day
see if they'd be smiling all the time
and no i don't want sympathy

the shit I've been thru
i wouldn't even have wished it on my worst enemy
they want to talk bout how i need to change
and my problems and I'm suppose to not let offend me

yea i wish my attitude wasn't this bad
yea i wish i didn't cry and have this stuff on my mind
but this thats all it will be is a wish
nothing can replace that but time

i remember when i use to sit in the mirror
or wonder what i was really looking at
not because i thought i was ugly its just i didn't understand the pain from the person who looked back

I'm me bad attitude very emotional
no emotion showing girl
if you don't think its that bad
then come in live in my world

how can you forget
when u have memories of it every day
ill answer it you cant
you just have to make it day by day

my knife and my pills use to be all that i had
you can even say it was my backbone
but things started to change when i found somebody
that made me not wanna do wrong.


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