Gorilla boy

by cvgorilla boy   Jul 28, 2008

Groilla is name
killing is my game
i don't have feeling
not anger or pain

i'm heading toward fame
I'm crazy don't make me to your name to shame
come to me
when you think you get game

gorilla is the boss
boss is the best
don't mess with me
it's never a test
make this your first and last
or I'll put you to rest

gorillas are gangsters
g-unit are wangsters
i put does dude jumping fams
but before you get carried away
i just like to say f#$& you and have a nice day


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  • 14 years ago

    by XxLastHopexX

    It's interesting...and contrasts with your other poem.....One says deep down inside your really different than what peopel think...and then in this one you act all gangsta....I'm curious to what other poems you would write....The one's Ive read thus far are....interesting.

  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Lol this is quite something else.
    Keep writing, 5/5. Em

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