The Seasons Change

by Rachel   Jul 28, 2008

I thank you for the sunset
and for the seven seas
and for the reaching branches
upon the many trees

I love the wisping winds
that wash our world so clean
and that pick off colorful leaves from trees
till there are none to be seen

But why oh Lord did you make the cold
that kills all warmth and life
the cold that takes away the hope
of the growing flowers' strife?

Yet I thank you Lord
that the seasons change
and that the earth itself
can re-arrange


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  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    I think out of the three I read this was the best one. The imagery is very powerful and really brings this piece to life for me. I felt like I was three which is an amazing feeling. Wonderful job, very nice work :) Nik

  • 16 years ago

    by Dustin Curtis

    Good poem about the seasons,I really like this poem

  • 16 years ago

    by Christopher Wry

    Well done.

  • 16 years ago

    by Dark Secrets

    Wonderful poem...
    I like the way you wrote it, to me the reader can interpit it in two ways.
    Either the superficial way by looking at the actual way or by digging deeply into life not just nature...
    good job

  • 16 years ago

    by Sourav

    It's a well written compact poem. I liked the structure of the poem. Thoughts are also well expressed.