She and He

by Ashraaf   Jul 30, 2008

She was engaged to be married
He was looking for love
Their paths crossed and they met
An act of destiny, they would later regret

Hand in hand they walked many a miles
Eyes knew the truth, but lips wore smiles
Rose tinted glasses could not see
How foreboding their future was to be

The mind said no, but their hearts willed on
Dusk was approaching, they saw dawn
Music played in their ears, but the chasm was too wide
In search of horizon, they swam against the tide

Moves were made, a pawn was sacrificed
She is now married to the engaged
He lives FROZEN in time.


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  • 16 years ago

    by HAMED

    Wow ! nice but need some corrections .it has wide imagination.keep it up gentleman.
    wish you the best

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