Can't get through to you

by Michael D Nalley   Aug 1, 2008

I can't get through to you
No matter what I do
I wrote you a letter
I wrote you a book
Think it would be better
If you just took a look
I can see right through you
In most everything you do
You know you can't be true
It looks like we are through
You are transparent as glass
Why won't you let it pass?
The light that will set you free
Is the truth that will always be.
Don't let darkness get to you
Before the light shines right through
Wise words go over your head
You listen to fools instead
You always pay the price
As your heart grows cold as ice
Why can't you feel the sun?
Or learn to love someone?
Warmth that would make you whole
In your mind heart and soul
Can't get through to you
The devil gets his due


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  • 16 years ago

    by CanUKissAwayMyPain

    I love every word in this poem. the flow was right there. even tho u try n try n she doesnt get it. she doesnt get though her mind just dnt give up. in time she'll get what u r trying to say over n over again. just dnt give up on a friend. nicely done here.

    TaKe CaRe,

  • 16 years ago

    by thalia

    I really like this poem!!
    It was awesome.
    I love the whole concept..

  • 16 years ago

    by Zulize

    I really enjoyed this poem as this is something i could relate to...
    its very deep and so much meaning!

  • 16 years ago

    by HillaryNicole

    Love the choice of words! You got your point across so simply! But i think it would have been betta if u stuck 2 the same ryhme scheme other den dat it was great!

  • 16 years ago

    by Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden

    The light that will set you free
    Is the truth that will always be.

    Okay, I have to smile at this because it's the ONE place you puta period. Tee hee. ^_^

    I can really relate to this poem. Just being fed up with trying to reach out to someone and they won't let you. It hurts. A lot.

    Nothing hurts more than knowing you can't help who you want to help the most.

    You wrote this poem nicely. The rhyming and metaphors worked nicely.

    Five out of five.

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