Mirror tell me the truth of Beauty

by Em   Aug 2, 2008

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Tell me which girl who's next to fall?
Is the outside everything to us?
Is it important to be in, just because?
To be the thinnest of all in school
To have a smooth talk and staying cool
To buy new clothes in an expensive store
And know that people think you're a wh0re
Girls wear makeup in hope to find
The handsomest guy that's one-of-a-kind
Friends aren't friends and go behind your back
Showing how much humanity they lack
It isn't right to make people feel bad,
Because of a weight that's driving them mad
In this material world people need to see
Beyond their looks and who they want to be
Don't be jealous and be happy over what you got
Look on the inside, it really means a lot
Mirror, mirror on the wall
I think I know what beauty is after all

*I'd like to thank Allan for his help and his smart ideas :)*


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  • 16 years ago

    by Wereallbladesarntwe

    Hi mate nice poem, well written, xp

  • 16 years ago

    by PoetryKnight

    Wow, reminds me of my poem Mirror, Mirror. good poem.