Loving you baby

by HisBlueEyedAngel   Aug 2, 2008

I love you more than anything,
Loving you is the best thing that has ever happend to me,
Only one for me is you
Value each other,
Eternity is how we will be,
You make me feel safe,
Opend my heart to you,
Until we get married we will be excited,
Lance I promise I am yours forever and always,
And that you are the only one for me,
No matter what always together,
Can't wait to start a family,
Every secong I am thinking of you,
Tomorrow will be the same,
I will always care and love you,
My baby boo is what you are,
My love forever,
Everyone in the world should no your mine,
Remember how we got together the best day ever?
In my heart always,
No matter what,
Going to be for each other forever,
Family together,
Only us,
Real life not a dream,
Every moment we are together,
Very special to me,
Everyday we will love and be happy,
Remember every second together.

Baby I love you forever and always no matter what I promise promise.


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  • 16 years ago

    by perfectlyBROKEN

    LOVE this, its awesome. Great expression and its very powerful. Gret job!!

    xx Take Care