To Spend Eternity With You (626) [[CONTEST]]

by NinjaGirl   Aug 3, 2008

To Spend Eternity With You

Darkness grows gentle
Upon my weary eyes;
Looking up, I see you,
Your every breath a lie.

You whisper in icy tones
That you miss what we had;
You tell me that you want me,
You want me oh so bad.

Tenderly, stroke back my hair,
Murmur softly in my ear;
Today is the day that we will
Evade love, and life and fear.

A little prick with pointed teeth,
It'll hardly hurt at all;
One little bite on my neck,
And, together, we will fall.

But is this what I wish for?
Is this what I dream to do?
To spend every living, dying moment,
To spend eternity with you?

~For A Contest~

©opyrighted by ~NinjaGirl~


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