How Can You

by A Real Poet   Aug 3, 2008

How can you lie after you said i love you
how can you lie and say these gifts meant something
how can you lie after everything we've been through
how can you lie after i gave you that damn ring

how can you forget about our long talks
how can you forget our first kiss
how can you forget about our long walks
how can you forget that my love still exists

How can you act like every thing is ok
How can you act like everything is fine between us
How can you act like everything is on its hey day
How can you act like a person who someone can trust

How can you cheat behind my back
How can you hurt me like that
How can you do this to me
How can you leave me alone in this big sea

How can you put me through so much pain
How can you throw me down the drain
How can you us my love for amusement
How can you say my love was just for entertainment

I hate you, you broke my heart, i feel used.....
Buh its ok because ima move on and start new.....

(if you like the poem ive wrote then please comment or rate it, ill really like to know what people think of my poems so when you comment be completely honest. and please feel free to go to my profile if you this poem, i have much others like, "Do You Enjoy Being Hurt??" and please let me know what you think of them, thanx take care)


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  • 16 years ago

    by gina

    Very touching unfortunatly it happens :( but one can only move on and show them that one can make it and succeed with or w/o them ...harsh but true....nice poems

  • 16 years ago

    by Good Enough

    This is good to but one spelling error buh i think is supposed to be but. other than tht im sorry for ur pain and loss. :( very sad. love the flow

  • 16 years ago

    by Rain

    Dude, that's sad you sound like an awsome guy & if she hurt you like that she doesn't deserve to be loved. It's a really good poem though.=)

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