Comments : One Love

  • 16 years ago

    by Teria

    Once again you have an amazing poem. "I love you" is stated quite often. Which isn't really a bad thing in this poem. I actually liked how it was said a lot, definitely got the point across.

    "Seconds ticking against my will,
    Each one drawing me closer to you.
    Love is blind to the searching eye,
    Love is what I feel for you."
    [ Seconds tick against my will,
    drawing me closer to you.
    Love is blind to the searching eye,
    but that is what I feel for you.]

    - You were a bit blunt with this beginning as well. I'm going to say that you ABSOLUTELY have the idea of a good begining, but it's like you rush through it or don't look it over enough. But, this beginning as well as the last one seems to be great, just not concrete.