I Have Fallen For Him

by khobo   Aug 6, 2008

I wish only to make him happy
Have myself lost in thoughts of him like so
Fallen from the heavens as my knight
For all the things I want and know
Him, my one necessity.

My heart begs to see my savior
Savior to my days
My heart stores all words of my precious
Precious of all he says
My heart races for my dear
Dear of the mesmerizing gaze.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Ill be openly honest with you, I didn't like how you used heart in the 1st, 3rd, and 5th lines of the last stanza.. it doesn't sound very good together when you repeat a word so much although I know you meant to do it that way. Another thing, I didnt like how the word precious was said twice really close together, it just didn't work for me. Sorry. I think there could be alot lot more thought injected into this piece to make it better.. I didnt feel too much emotion and wasnt wow'd really at all. I felt as though theres a lot more you have to say here.


  • 16 years ago

    by Fantasy

    Thanks for the comment.

    I like this one, it reminds me of a song though, but that might be me. It's alike toher poems, but yet unique, thats what make it original. Keep it up!