by annlee   Aug 7, 2008

Please don't be sHock
if one day
i will avoid you
its not that
i don't like you anymore
as my friend...

but now
i just want to be alone
i don't want to be
with you

because everytime i do
my heart always beats faster
i know liking you
and loving you
more than as a FRIEND
is not a sin

but I'd rather
hide my feelings
towards you
than to lose you


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  • 16 years ago

    by mAy

    ! kn0w L0ts 0f mY fr!3ndS g03s thr0ugH s0m3tH!Ng L!K3 th!sZ...buT s0m3t!M3s y0u g0TTA tak3 chAnc3s,y0u n3vA kn0w whAT cuD haPP3n...!F h!sZ a r3aLLy go0d fr!3nd 0f uRs,h3 wUDnt L3t [[aNyth!Ng]] br3aK uR fr!3ndsh!P,h3d uNd3rStAnD aND acT th3 sam3...h3 mYt n0t fe3L th3 sam3,!t m!Ght hurT,buT d0nT y0u th!Nk !t wuD y0u fe3L s0 muCH b3Tta kn0w!Ng y0u to0k thAT cHAnc3 aND sa!d whAt y0u g0Tta sAy...