Comments : On the inside

  • 16 years ago

    by Weeping Wolf

    Nice poem, ya I've been there. If you look at my earlier poems, many are like that. I hope you get past this awful feeling.

  • 16 years ago

    by Momentary Relapse

    I think this could have been better done without the rhyming to make it more pointed. Then the flow wouldn't be as choppy yet... Still the emotions are sort of what drive this piece. "I['m] hoping someone asks" a lot of people do yet no one does wrapped within their own lives and heads. And sometimes they're too scared to ask, afraid they'd be shoved away for being concerned...

  • 16 years ago

    by hope

    Hey i know what this feels like
    and it does hurt. like faith of the fallen said some people don't ask because they're too scared of being pushed away. It does get better in time after trying and persisting and support of people around that love you things do get better but remember there's always people their to support you. Now i sound like one of the ads of t.v anyway beautiful poem and amazing work
    xx Hope

  • 16 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    This is a very sad and emotional poem, really great job, It makes the reader wanna reach out and give you a hug lol
    The flow worked very well, it made the easier to read which made it more enjoyable.
    The imagery produced in my mind with your wording deservers a 5/5