Comments : A Distant Desire

  • 16 years ago

    by JD

    Your breath is still hot against my neck,
    As you caress beautiful words into my ear,
    Telling me you love me,
    And that's all I want to hear,
    I can feel your passionate hands,
    Dangerously tangled in my hair,
    Your lips a scolding fire,
    My skin threatening to tear,
    Our words a cascade of wanting,
    Our movements an adoring tie,
    That no matter what happens,
    Our love will never die

    all i can say is...
    The imagery in that.
    The desire....

  • 16 years ago

    by Jorge Luis

    WOW!..I'm really impressed by your skills Lauren, I loved this poem and love the way that it is written. Definitely 5 stars!...Please keep writing and please keep smiling. :)

  • 11 years ago

    by redxiii

    I'm not usually one for love poems, but I really like this one. It's pretty freaking awesome great job 5/5. :)

  • 8 years ago

    by nani

    Good god. I was in another world just now.


    • 8 years ago

      by Ren

      Thank you for the comment, Nani!