Alone in her room she dreams of wedding bliss
when in reality life goes unnoticed and amiss
"we're destined for marriage" she says to all
saying it will hurt worse during the inevitable fall
when her future husband leaves she cling the harder
too bad when he's here she doesn't have such ardor
she doesn't trust him though she says the reverse
as he prepares to go she feels she can reimburse
when he's gone she'll smother and pester him
the chances of him staying with her are slim
when the break does come she'll have no more love
because she gave it all to him setting him above
pretty soon dreams will be all she has left
her life will be a fantasy, enjoyable yet bereft
I don't feel anything but pity for her last lonely day
decide whether you wish to follow her destiny's way
you can call it living but to me it's just for the birds
think about the sad ending, meditate over the words
::dedicate to all those who believe in fate, destiny, or God's will who do nothing and don't lift a finger to make sure you're helping your loved one instead of hurting them::